Startup Founder

In today's marketplace a startup company isn't a bakery or a comic book shop. It's a weight loss app or a better way to store your music on your smart phone. Startups are more about killer apps and web design than they are store fronts and physical products. People are taking control of their own lives and quitting their 9 to 5 jobs and becoming experts in the digital marketplace. Be it becoming experts in SEO, helping companies design e-commerce websites to help them tap into the internet for sales or other means of turning the internet into a powerful revenue stream. Far be it from the days of the 80's and 90's when a middle aged man would take his nest egg and give it a try to become his own boss. Now it's a young Millennials who are learning how to code and avoiding the corporate world to become their own bosses and become the startup founder of the future.
Young people like Luz Gonzalez who has co-founded the Konviv app that allows you to take charge of your finances and figure out exactly where your money is going and what you should be doing to better manage your cash. Figuring out exactly what your expendable income is and figuring out if you truly can afford to see 5 movies this week or if you should be eating out every day. This is an app that doesn't just monitor your bank account, it tells you where your money is going and what you need to do in order to afford the things you want to buy. Set up monthly allotments for your clothes, food, entertainment, credit card bills, and rent and Konviv will tell you if you've overspent in a certain area and what can be done to cover for it. Maybe this month you'll forgo a new pair of jeans in exchange for a couple more nights out at the club. Getting a grip on your finances by seeing exactly where your money is going is the first step to understanding exactly what you have to do to start saving and really growing your savings.
This the vision of a new generation of trail blazers and trend setters. People that are both looking to make their mark on the world but also change it for the better for everyone. People building apps to entertain and educate. The old ways of business and the me first get everything I can and step on anyone in my way is a mentality that's part of the past. Now is the age of helping everyone get to where they want to be, you help yourself but you reach your hand out to lift up others. The younger generation understands that we're all in this together and together is how we're going to change this world. This is the spirit and the vision of the startup founder of the modern age. It's their world now and we should be grateful for the vision they have for it.

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