Steven Perelmuter made several attempts to go international with his photography but couldn't because of funds. He finally was able to get funds for going to Africa in 2008, he has since then been a regular tourist taking wildlife photos, and taking pictures of the amazing beauty of Mother Nature, he has also been able to make frequent visits to India, he has been to China, where he spent 3 months touring and taking photos of the ancient beauty and architecture. Steven Perelmuter has embraced the risk associated with working his passion, he takes weeks waiting for the right moment to take the click, waiting for the right weather, shooting and reshooting. He has by his
boldness earned respect among colleagues, his love and passion for what he does is so amazing, nothing seems to give him more joy than taking photos of Mother Nature, he gives it all it takes. He is an excellent wildlife photographer who is still doing great in the world of photography.
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